Products - Items tagged as "Owl"

View all 1 inch 1.25 inch 1.25" 1.5 inch 1.5" 10 inch 10 inch stacker 10" 10" sqaures 10" squares 10" stack 108" 12" 2 inch 2" 2.5 inch 2.5" 2pk 30cm 5/8 inch 6 point star 8 point star 8" aaam aaamfam abc's aboriginal across body bag acrylic adhesive adhesive bias adhesive sqaures adhesives adults advent calendar alice in wonderland Alligator alphabet animal animals anna marie horner apple core applique applique panel aqua aus aussie animals aussie birds australia australian australiana baby baby accessories baby blue baby quilt background backing backpack bag bag accessories bag clips bag hardware bag harware bag making bag pattern bags baking bamboo barn basics basket basket pattern basting tape batik batting baubles bear bedding bedding pattern bee beehive bees beginner beige bias bias binding bias tape bib Bikes bird birds black black and white blade blanket blazer blender blenders block of the month blue blue birds board bobin bom book book cover border border stripe bow tie box boy boys braided bright brother sewing machine brown bugs building bundle bunny bunny pattern bunting burghundy burgundy burpee busy fabric butterfly button button gauge by the metre car card making cardigan carols carry all carry bag cat caterpillar cats chaco liner chalk chalk pen chalk pencil change mat charm pack charm square charm squares checkers chevron chicken childrens gift chirstmas pattern christams christmas Christmas decorations christmas kit christmas pattern christmas trees circles circular knitting clasp clips cloth clothing clothing accessories clothing fabric clothing hardware cloud clouds clutch comic confetti construction controller cooking cool coral cord cot quilt cotton cotton duck country cow craft craft glue crafy cream crochet crochet cotton crochet hook Crocodile cross stitch crossbody crow cushion cushion case cushion case pattern cushion cover cushion pattern cutting mat cutting tools dark blue dark green darning decorative deer denim design designer notion diamonds diaper wallet dino dinosaur diy diy advent dmc dog dogs doll dolls clothes dot dots double sided tape drawing drawing tool drawstring dresden dress dress fabric dress zipper dresses dressmaking dribblet duck easter easter pattern echidna elastic elastic threader elephant Ella Blue embroidery english paper piecing epp epp tool eppiflex equipment eraser fabric fabric bond fabric care fabric grip fabric marker fabric masks fabric pen fabric tool farm farm animals farm baby animals fat eighth fat eighth bundle fat eighth friendly fat quarter fat quarter bundle fat quarter friendly feathers felt fish flamingo flamingos flannel floral floss flower flower head flower quilt flowers FMQ fold over elastic forest forest animals foundation paper piecing fox FPP frame free motion free motion quilting french general frozen fruit fuschia fusible fusible web adhesives Gabrielle Neil game gaming gauge geometric gics8 gift giraffe girl gloves glow in the dark glue glue pen glue sticks glues gnome gold gold hearts goldfish googly eyes gray green green ribbon grey guide gumboots haby halloween Hand bag hand stitch hand stitching handbag handbag hardware handbag pattern handle handstitching hare hat heat n bond hedgehog hem hexagon hexies Hippo homespun Homespun magazine honeycomb hook and loop hooks hoop horse hot glue gun hot pink infant insect insulate intermediate iorn on iron iron on iron on adhesive iron spray ironing ironing accessories ironing mat ironing tool jacket janome jeans jelly roll jelly roll friendly joggle eyes journal journal cover jumpsuit jungle kangaroo karen kay buckley kids kids sewing kit kitchen kits kitten klasse knitting knitting needle labelling labels lace ladies ladybug lantern laundry layer cake layer cake friendly lead lead pencil leaf leather leather needles leaves lemur letters light blue light bulb lime green lining lion lions lizard lori holt love always collection love hearts macaw machine accesories machine needles machine part machine pieced macrame mad hatter magnet man marker marking marking tool masks material mauve mechanical pencil mending mending patch mesh metal metallic micro dots mini iron mini print mint mistletoe Monkey motif mouse multi multicolour mushrooms name labelling name tags navy needles no sew notions numbers ocean oil olfa ombre on the bolt onesie orange organisation organise organiser organization organizer overalls overlocker owl panda panel pants patch patches pattern pattern kit pawprint peach pegs pen pencil pentagon peplum perfect circles permanent marker piecing piecing ruler pig pillow pillow case pillow case pattern pillow cover pillow pattern pillowcase pillowcase pattern pin cushion pin dish pink pink and blue pink and white squares pink birds pink flowers pink leaves pink ribbon pinking shears pins pj plaid planets plants plastic playmat pockets point turner pointed dresden polar bear poly polyester pom pom pond practice precision placement precut precuts press studs pressing tool princess pumpkin puppy purple purse purse pattern pva pyjama quilt quilt backing quilt blocks quilt border quilt fabric quilt hook quilt kit quilt pattern quilt ruler quilt squares quilt tags quilters tape quilting quilting tools rabbit Rabbits raccoon rain boots rainbow rainbow birds red red butterfly refill reindeer reproduction retro ribbon riley blake designs ring road roatary cutter roatry cutter mat rocket roll up rooster rope Rosalie Dekker roses rotary cutter rotary mat rotating clips rounded dresden ruler ruler fabric safari safety safety pins santa scented school scissor set scissors scrap friendly scrapbooking scrappy quilt scrunchies scrunchies pattern sea seam presser seam ripper seams sequin serger sew on sewing sewing fabric sewing foot sewing gauge sewing machine sewing machine accesories sewing machine cover sewing machine foot sewing machine needles sewing machine thread sewing machine tools sewing machines sewing needle sewing storage sewing thread sewing tool sewing tools sewline shaggy quilt shaggy quilt kit sharpener shears sheep sheeting shells shirring shirt shoe shopping bag pattern shorts shoulder bag signs silicone silver clips skirt skunk slippers small print snake snaps snowflake snowman solids Something Country space specks spool spot spots spray sprinkles square squirrel star starch stars stiletto stitchery stocking stop sign storage strapping strawberry stripes Sue Daley summer sunset swivel head t-rex table runner table runner pattern tags tailors clapper tank tape tape measure tapestry tartan tea cups teal teddy bear template template set templates temporary textile wall art thermal thimble thread thread cones threader threading tool threads tiger Tilda Hibernation October 2023 tone on tone tool tools top toscan tote tote bag toys tractor transfer travel travel bag treads trees trex triangle trucks tula pink tunic unpicker vehicle velcro vintage vintage fabric vinyl wadding wall hanging wallet washers tape water soluble web fusing webbing wellingtons Westminster Fibers wheat white white and pink squares white background white circles wideback wiradjuri WOF wombat womens wood wooden wool wrap xmas xmas pattern yellow yoga zebra zigzag zigzag foot zipper zipper tapr