All Haby - Items tagged as "Sewing needle"

Two Friends Range of Haberdashery, and all bits n bobs.
View all 1 inch 1.25 inch 1.25" 1.5 inch 1.5" 2 inch 2" 2pk 5/8 inch 6 point star 8 point star 8" aaam acrylic adhesive adhesive bias adhesive sqaures adhesives apple core applique baby baby quilt bag bag clips bag hardware bag harware bag making basting tape batting bias bias binding bias tape blade board bobin bom bow tie butterfly button button gauge caterpillar chaco liner chalk chalk pen chalk pencil circles clasp clips cloth clothing clothing accessories clothing hardware cotton craft cream cutting mat cutting tools decorative denim design drawing drawing tool dresden dress zipper dressmaking elastic elastic threader embroidery english paper piecing epp epp tool equipment eraser fabric bond fabric care fabric grip fabric marker fabric pen fabric tool floss flower flower head FMQ fold over elastic foundation paper piecing FPP free motion free motion quilting fusible fusible web adhesives gauge gift gloves glue glue pen glue sticks glues googly eyes guide haby hand stitching handbag handbag hardware handle handstitching hat heat n bond hem hexagon Homespun magazine hook and loop hooks hot glue gun iorn on iron iron on iron on adhesive iron spray ironing ironing accessories ironing mat ironing tool janome jeans jelly roll joggle eyes jumpsuit karen kay buckley kit klasse labelling labels lace lead lead pencil leather leather needles light bulb lori holt machine accesories machine needles machine part magnet marker marking marking tool mechanical pencil mending mending patch mesh metal mini iron motif name labelling name tags needles no sew notions oil olfa organisation organization organizer overalls overlocker patches pattern pegs pen pencil pentagon perfect circles permanent marker piecing piecing ruler pin dish pinking shears pins plastic point turner pointed dresden poly polyester pom pom precision placement press studs pressing tool quilt quilt hook quilt ruler quilt squares quilt tags quilters tape quilting quilting tools red butterfly refill ribbon riley blake designs ring roatary cutter roatry cutter mat rotary cutter rotary mat rotating clips rounded dresden ruler safety safety pins scented school scissor set scissors seam presser seam ripper seams sequin serger sew on sewing sewing foot sewing gauge sewing machine sewing machine accesories sewing machine foot sewing machine needles sewing machine thread sewing machine tools sewing needle sewing thread sewing tool sewing tools sewline sharpener shears sheeting shirring silicone silver clips snaps spray square star starch stiletto storage strapping swivel head tags tailors clapper tape tape measure tapestry teddy bear template template set templates temporary thimble thread thread cones threader threading tool threads tool tools transfer travel bag treads triangle unpicker velcro vinyl wadding washers tape water soluble web fusing webbing wooden wool zigzag foot zipper zipper tapr